Thursday, February 8, 2007

Price Gouging

Where do you go when a hurricane is barreling down on your home? If you have no friends or family to stay with, most people are stuck going to hotels. Sometimes, people, whose homes could be already destroyed, have to deal with price gouging at hotels and other businesses. Under Florida law, it's illegal to lease, sell or rent living dwellings or storage units for prices that grossly exceed the average cost. I don't think hotel or gas station owners are trying to be completely heartless by overcharging, they're trying to react to the sudden business increase. However, I don't condone their actions in any way. They're taking advantage of people during a period of disaster. I think it's a good thing that the Florida Attorney General's office has cracked down on price gouging over the last few years. I believe that the state will fight harder to defeat price gouging under Governor Crist.

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