Friday, February 2, 2007

Crazy Charlie: The Beginning

Courtesy: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Hurricane Charlie was the storm that woke everybody up. In the decade leading up to 2004, Florida bound hurricanes were few and far between. Hurricanes Andrew and Opal are two exeptions. We weren't prepared for Charlie because we didn't expect it; Even though it hit the Southwest Florida coast at the peak of hurricane season. The third storm of the 2004 Hurricane season killed thirty people in the United States and left parts of Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda completely destroyed. Some Southwest Florida residents decided to ignore orders to evacuate. because the storm was originally supposed to hit the Tampa area. As Florida residents would soon realize, Charlie was just the beginning of their worries. Charlie hit the Southwest Florida coast on August, 13, 2004; by the start of October, Florida residents would have already crossed paths with Hurricanes Jeanne, Francis and Ivan. The worst was yet to come.

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